Sunday 10 February 2013

What I'm doing in Unity!

So I've been playing around with Unity3D a bit! Pretty awesome tool in comparison to some others I have used! Pretty easy and intuitive way of working! Plus it works on my Macintosh too, meaning that I keep my projects on Dropbox (which don't use up a lot of space) and they open on my Mac or PC just fine!

Me and some friends done this in about 48 hours of remote game jamming! It's a Infinite Runner Space Shooter type thing.. Not bad for around 48 hours work I think! Especially when we worked remotely using Google+ Hangouts!

So after that I decided to try doing some mini bits of project in Unity.. This one is currently what I have in an open sandbox space exploration thing.. It's pretty primitive at the moment. Totally got EVE Online music in there! I don't own that ;P

Then today I spent about 2 hours on some RTS camera stuff!! It's mainly not my code but just copying bits of free code here and there! Again, very primitive but it's functional!

Thanks for reading.

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